Understanding Training Zones 2
Having looked previously at the basis of training zones, let’s look at how we can best understand and use those zones as we put together our training program. I’m going to assume that you are new or at least relatively new to training. I’m also going to assume that running is your initial training focus. Because running is surprisingly complex I would urge you to go to some of my previous posts in the “you want to run?” series.
What should be clear from the “you want to run?” series is that there is more to running than just cardio vascular (CV) conditioning. Fortunately for a person new to running our lack of CV fitness can actually give us a window of opportunity to address issues of structural integrity. So, although we are talking about training zones and CV conditioning it is important not to overlook the other physical aspects of running.
When you start training it is important to beware of some common errors, I call these the 3x2’s or more accurately; three - too’s.
Too fast, Too far and Too soon. In other words; running too fast, running too far and increasing the first two, too soon.